Fidelity's Alerts feature was outdated and it was a very time consuming process to sign up for multiple alerts across multiple accounts.
Hypothetical scenario: Customer with 3 accounts and 10 alerts for each account can take up to 20 minutes to sign up.
Simplify the alerts set-up and management across all accounts associated with a customer.
I led a participatory design session with our business partners, engineers and our design team.
We started with a business interview to get a better understanding of the users. Then we reviewed digital exploration concepts from a previous session and split up into 3 groups.
Each group was given a unique use case / scenario and asked to scketch out a possible solution.
We used white boards and oversized post-it's to capture the new concepts.
A delightful, intuitive interface that allows millions of users to easily set up and manage alerts on
• Site Map / Information Architecture
• Top Scenarios / Use Cases
• Wireframes
• Design Thinking / Workshop Facilitation